Zapraszam Państwa na wystawę International Online Art Exhibition 2021, “HOPE”, zorganizowanej przez Karkhana Art Space w Bangladeszu.
Mój obraz został wybrany na wystawę z pośród zgłoszeń z całego świata. Do wystawy zakwalifikowało się 399 artystów z 61 krajów.
Otwarcie wystawy: 10.02.2020
Artists are always on the move. They do not stop under any circumstances.
In fact, nothing in the world stops. Under adverse circumstances, the artist finds his new art in a new dimension.
“HOPE” International Online Art Exhibition 2021, Organized by Karkhana Art Space.
Artists above the age of 18 have submitted their artworks here. The artworks were created after January 1, 2020.
A total of 1025 artists from 73 countries have submitted Maximum 2 artworks for this exhibition.
Out of them, 399 artists from 61 countries have been selected for the exhibition.
A total of 8 Awards will be given in this exhibition.
I. Karkhana Art Space Grand Award
II. Nidhu Roy Grand Award
III. Gautam Kumar Roy Grand Award &
IV. Five honourable Mention awards.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on February 10, 2021.
The award will be announced on 20 February 2021.
We hope you will be with us at our next event with discipline. Stay with us, stay connected to our Facebook group and page Youtube, Instagram and Tumblr.
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